Elizabeth I (A True Book: Queens and Princesses)

A True Book: Queens and Princess tells the stories of women who were born or married into royalty. Who were these women who ruled nations and kingdoms and touched the lives of their people?Being a queen or princess is more than sitting on a throne. A True Book: Queens and Princess tells the stories of women who were born or married into royalty. Who were these women who ruled nations and kingdoms and touched the lives of their people? They led sensational and sometimes luxuri

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Date de sortie09 novembre 2020
ÉditeurScholastic Inc
Accessibilité  Voir les informations concernant l'accessibilité pour le format ePub

La version ePub

L'éditeur a fourni les informations suivantes au sujet de l'accessibilité pour le ePub :

  • Le EPUB contient une table des matières qui permet de naviguer dans l'ensemble du livre.
  • Le EPUB contient des références aux numéros de pages utilisés dans une version imprimée équivalente.