
The legendary King Arthur is now an old drunkard who spends his days slouched on his throne. He owes his former glory to the magic sword the wizard Merlin forged for him in order to slay the hordes of demons who came to invade the kingdom of Pendragon. The enchanted weapon now suffers from a bad case of boredom, while Arthur's daughter, the Princess Ysabelle, is wondering how to flee the marriage her father has arranged with the vile Baron of Cumber. Both Ysabelle and the swo

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Date de sortie21 février 2023
ÉditeurEurope Comics
Accessibilité  Voir les informations concernant l'accessibilité pour le format ePub

La version ePub

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  • Le EPUB contient une table des matières qui permet de naviguer dans l'ensemble du livre.